Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 365

Sunday 16th August

Well, this is officially Day 365 of our Little Man's life! It has gone so fast, sometimes I can barely believe I (tomorrow) am the mother of a one year old! He has been an absolute blessing, a joy all the way. A learning curve, but never have I enjoyed learning so much. Today we had his party and lots of people came, which was fantastic. It was a great day and I'm sure we will always look back on it with happy thoughts. There are plenty of pics so that Hunter can one day look back also.

Wakey wakey party man!

Hunter, me, Rochelle and Jorja

Rob and I with our little Boo

Elijah and Hunter

Zak, Jorja and Hunter

Dad and Hunter

Happy Birthday Hunter

May all your years be as fun as this first one!

Day 364

Saturday 15th August

Hunter A & Charli-Mae!

Day 363

Friday 14th August

Today Mum & Dad, Nan & Pop and Grandma caught the train out from where they were staying in Melbourne to see our house and spend the day with Hunter. They had lots of fun playing with him and he showed off walking around holding onto people's hands. Won't be too long before he lets go!

Day 362

Thursday 13th August

Today Uncle Josh, Aunty Kali and Charli Mae arrived to stay for the week. Hunter and Charli had some fun 'getting to know each other' and 'sharing some toys'. Lol I'm not quite sure Hunter was too impressed at Charli amassing a stockpile of all his toys. Nothing like learning to share!!

Day 361

Wednesday 12th August

Someone has a muffin top :P

Day 360

Tuesday 11th August

Hunter in the bottom shelf of the bookcase looking at the pic of Rob and I in the front of that photo album

Day 359

Monday 10th August

Day 358

Sunday 9th August

Day 357

Saturday 8th August

Day 356

Friday 7th August

Day 355

Thursday 6th August

Day 354

Wednesday 5th August

My Cheeky Boo

Not the best pic...but look at those eyes!

Day 353

Tuesday 4th August

Eating an apple all by himself this time

Day 352

Monday 3rd August