Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 222

Thursday 26th March

Is someone spoiled or what? This is just a fraction of his small toys that he has to play with! He chooses different ones all the time, and sometimes they all end up grouped together in a big toy smorgasbord.

Day 221

Wednesday 25th March

Look who's a clever boy! He sits up in the bath properly now... although he's always straining leaning forward for his toys so I'm always thinking he's going to face plant into the water. He never does though.

Day 220

Tuesday 24th March

We had a slight accident... where breakfast came up again all over his face and clothes! So Rob was having a shower to get ready to go to Horsham, so we stripped him and threw him in the shower with Rob. He doesn't have too many showers these days but I think he's still a fan!

Day 219

Monday 23rd March

Mmmm first taste of baby lasagne!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 218

Sunday 22nd March

So today we were having lunch and Hunter was crawling around the living room. After a while I heard him whinging but I didn't really know what could be wrong with him, so I got up and looked around and he was no where to be seen. Following the sound of the whinging I found him.... under the couch. Stuck. Lol.

So being the good mother I am, I went and got my camera and got 2 pics before I got him out!

Day 217

Saturday 21st March

The new walker is a good way for Hunter to sit and watch the dogs eat their brekky, or their dinner and we don't have to worry about him taking a header down the step and because he can't move it atm, he just sits in it and yells at them lol. They're equal parts fascinated and wary of him, haha. Sometimes they come over and sniff him but they always pull back real quick and dance around looking like they want to come over but don't. It's hilarious. He's going to run rings around them in time.

Day 216

Friday 20th March

We got Hunter his walker today! It's a Steelcraft one that totally looks like a car, lol. It's awesome... he seems to like it so far, although we haven't put the batteries in it yet for it to make the lights and the sounds, as it takes 5 and who the hell just has 5 batteries? Lol. Anyway, he tested it out today, although it is not a walker atm as such, as his feet don't actually reach the ground! Haha, poor shortie! There's a lil bar that his feet rest on and we can push him around in it until he grows enough to walk around it in himself!

Day 215

Thursday 19th March

I realised at 11pm that I had not taken a pic of Hunter, so I had to sneak in when he was asleep and get one!

Day 214

Wednesday 18th March

I think it's time to face facts that H is way too big for his swing now :( It has been a good source of occupation for him, but it's time to move on. He desperately needs a walker, which hopefully he will be getting this week!

Day 213

Tuesday 17th March

Hunter is 7 months old today!

Day 212

Monday 16th March

Hunter had his 6 month check up with Maternal Health today -bit late because we were away when he turned 6 months and because they are booked out with appointments. He is doing well and is now:

Lenth: 68.5cm
Weight: 7.92kg

We've been told to start him on chunky things! He's had it easy on the puree's so far... not for much longer, apparently. He should be eating what we eat in a matter of weeks, LOL. So tomorrow morning he is having a weet-bix for brekky. See how he goes with that.

Day 211

Sunday 15th March

Me and my snuggly bubbly.

Day 210

Saturday 14th March

Zak had to play tennis in Winchelsea today but it rained from pretty much the second we drove into Winch. So we sat there for 1hr while it rained before they finally called it off, then we went to Colac again for lunch. This time we saw Tone, Hollie and her bf, lol.

Allanah and Tyler came for tea, which was good. Lana helped feed Hunter and then gave him his massage. Unfortunately Hunter didn't have too great a night. He woke up at 11:30 and just would not go back to bloody sleep. He was wide awake and just wanted to play...and he just kept going and going and going. I stayed up til like 2am with him but then I just ran out of things to do so I put him back in bed and he cried on and off til 4 when he FINALLY fell asleep.

Day 209

Friday 13th March

Day 208

Thursday 12th March

The love affair with the photobox continues!

Day 207

Wednesday 11th March

Happy 14th birthday to Zak who is currently hiking up a mountain or something!

Hunter goes eye to eye with Power... except that Power won't really play and will turn his face away! Hunter also has no idea of depth perception and will take a header off the kitchen step if not watched very closely, lol. When I feed the dogs and he watches, I have to pick him up and put him back at the other end of the kitchen about 3 times while dishing out the food so he doesn't crash off the step.

Day 206

Tuesday 10th March

We had IQ installed today so YAY! It is so awesome. The man who installed it was African and very dark skinned, which fascinated Hunter no end. He would not take his eyes off the guy the whole time! It was so funny, he had this totally amazed expression on his face. The guy was really good, talking to Hunter and all that.

Hunter has developed a love for my photobox!!

Day 205

Monday 9th March

Labor Day, so Rob had the day off, as there was no Geelong and the kids stayed until after tea tonight. Was going to get an updated family pic but I forgot/there wasn't really enough time. So I got some of Chelle and Hunter while she was having her goodbye cuddle.

Day 204

Sunday 8th March

Hunter loves the X-box!

Day 203

Saturday 7th March

Today we went to Colac for a visit - it was supposed to be to see Tone for his birthday but he wasn't actually there as he was playing cricket or something. Last match of the season! Hunter was so funny when we arrived - Sam and Mary rushed up to him and were talking to him and he just looked at them and broke out into this massive smile. They were so smitten.

Forgot my camera though, so I didn't get any pics while we were there. Took this one after we got home when Hunter was going to bed.

Day 202

Friday 6th March

It's been quite cold lately and so Hunter has at least gotten the chance to wear some of his 000 winter outfits. I nearly missed the boat with this one as the pants just go up over his chubby butt! :) I love the jumper though. He looks so cute all rugged up!

Day 201

Thursday 5th March

Hunter has pretty much become obsessed with the dogs now, it's hilarious. He crawls over to the window and waits for them to come out of the garage and lay down in the sun. And then he spends a lot of time yelling at them, or laughing. Or both. They pretty much ignore him but occasionally one will come up to the window and sniff. And he thinks that is the funniest thing ever.

Day 200

Wednesday 4th March

Happy Birthday to Uncle Tone :)

I can't believe Hunter is 200 days old! He is growing up so fast... too fast. I remember when he was soooo little bringing him home from the hospital and now he's a big boofa, crawling around everywhere and getting into non-stop mischief. Today he found Rob's bag from when we went away, and vaccum cleaner and thought both of them were just grand!

Day 199

Tuesday 3rd March

More exploring... this time the coffee table got a thorough working over!