Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 44

Monday 29th September

Hunter slept 1am-5am and then decided he wouldn't go back to sleep so I got up with him at 7 so Rob could get some more sleep before he went to work. Of course as soon as I was wide awake and had taken him out of the bedroom, he started getting sleepy, but i thought maybe the lounge room was too hot, because he was restless (the heater was still on from 5am) so I wrapped him and put him in his cot... He fell asleep in there and slept til 8.30, next bottle time. He's been sleeping well today, with some 1hr periods of being awake and alert.

We finally got a pic of him smiling! Have been trying for days, as he's been smiling and almost laughing at us for a while now. I went in today at 12.20 to see if he was awake for bottles and he was in his cot, happy as anything, just looking around. I leaned over the side and said "Hello Little Man, how are ya?" and got the biggest smile and waving arms, it was so cute! Everytime he would smile I would try to have the camera ready, but I would miss it.. Finally though, Rob got him.

Please excuse my hair, LOL. I had just woken up from a sleep on the couch and Rob dumped him in my arms and took some pics.

Hello Mum... I'm tired too!


Might be dinner time I think...

God Mum, stop kissing me!! It's embarrassing!!

Listening to Dad...

Day 43

Sunday 28th September

Not many pictures today, mostly because Hunter was barely awake! He slept 9.30-2pm when I had to go in and wake him up for a bottle, then probably 2.30-5.30 when I woke him again for another bottle, then he was asleep agin by 6.30 and I woke him about 9.15, then he was back in bed again!! Rob wasn't home for most of the day, he had the Catching Pen to do in Melb, then he came home, then he was gone again for the first Top Gun Panel meeting. When he got home about 11.30, we got Hunter up, gave him a shower with me, his last bottle of the day and then tucked him up in bed. So basically he was asleep all day! But here are 2 pics from a time when he was actually awake.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day 42

Saturday 27th September

Happy birthday to a very special boy....

our Power One!! He is 6 today. We love you Mister Mister! Sorry that we didn't actually remember until very late in the day! But you get spoiled every day, so it doesn't really matter!

Today was HOT! Hunter rocked his first summer outfit, which was a present from big sister Chelle. He looked so cute in it! I took a pic of it and sent it to her phone for her to see.

In Dad's arms...

Small hands...

Zak & Hunter

Zak and Hunter... looks like Hunter has about 6 chins

Zak and Hunter having a cuddle

Watching Foxtel.. LOL!!

Day 41

Friday 26th September

Another really pretty spring day! I hope this weather sticks around, because both Hunter and I are loving it! He had another chill in the sun on his playmat today, and stayed there for ages. We didn't do a lot today. Rob went out to pick up Zak and Elijah, as they're on holidays, to spend the night here. They would've prolly stayed longer but Rob has heaps of stuff to do on Sunday (Catching Pen, and then a late dinner for the 1st TopGun Panel meeting) so he wouldn't be around at all that day. They'll be back next weekend.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 40

Thursday 25th September

Happy birthday Aunty Kali :) Hope you made it through this one with no incidents! :P

Today was another gorgeous day! Really nice and sunny and warm, no clouds and no wind! Unfortunately we couldn't really do too much with it as Rob was pretty knackered and so was I after another night of Hunter waking up after 2-3hrs sleep each time. But I did sort of get some sun on Hunter. I put his playmat on the floor near the living room window where all the sun comes in and stripped him down to singlet and nappy and just let him play. He loved it - waved his arms around and kicked his legs and sang to himself. He is starting to try and reach for things that catch his eye now - bright and rattly toys and things like that. However he has zero hand-eye co-ordination and mostly he just waves in the vague direction of the toy. He especially likes the toy that Rob and Lana gave him, when I shake that and rattle the crinkly butterly wings he turns towards it and stares at it and doesn't take his eyes off it.

Hunter had his first visit to Sandown! Ryan and Cassie are over from Western Australia so we got a table. Hunter met Ruby for the first time. Ruby is soo big now! She's gorgeous! She gave Hunter lots of kisses and even I got some kisses at the end of the night. Despite both Cass and I bringing our cameras, we didn't get a single photo! Hunter slept most of the night - his second greyhound meeting and I think he might still yet to see a single dog. Rob showed Hunter off to everyone he possibly could - directors of the club, owners, trainers, even the ladies at the buffet!

Hunter also got spoiled with some lovely presents! Ryan, Cass and Ruby gave him a blue cuddle blanket that matches Ruby's pink one, a cute little tie-dyed singlet, a pair of gorgeous baby boots with furry blue trimming, some stickers with his name printed on them and a nice warm outfit with a hood (with ears!) for cold nights at the dogs in the future. A big thanks to you guys for all the gifts, they are lovely! xx We also got a really nice baby photo box and a silver photo frame (weighs a tonne!) from the Directors & Staff of Sandown. So Hunter has been a pretty spoiled boy with all these presents from people.

Practicing for the days he knows the answers in class... lol!

Stretching out in the sun

He can actually reach the toys now... he had fun batting Eeyore, who has a rattle in him

Little feet and chubby legs!

Looking at Eeyore

Just relaxing

And Cass... next time we HAVE to get some pics! Lol

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 39

Wednesday 24th September

Good day today!! Hunter was much better, although he was awake at 7!! But after we got up and had a bottle, we both had a snooze... him in his rocker, me on the couch. He was very good all day, content and happy and slept decent amounts. Rob went to Ballarat and I took advantage of Hunter being asleep at 4pm to cook my dinner early so it would be all ready to eat later on. Turned out to be a good idea as he was wide awake at dinner time and wanted attention, lol. We watched Sex and the City (he's a bit young but it never hurts to learn these things) together and then he had another bath and he was so relaxed after it that I wrapped him up and walked around with him for about 15mins and he fell asleep and slept until Rob came home.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day 38

Tuesday 23rd September

A so-so day. Hunter was up at 3.30am and then again at 6.20am!! I was not a fan... After Rob went to work, he was going to bed no matter what, so we both went and got about 3hrs sleep. Since 4pm though, he has only slept another hour at most. I really hope he has a good night tonight. What is most frustrating is that he is out like a light, you put him down and 5-10mins later he is screaming again. I gave him a bath by myself tonight, first time... He was so nice and mellow after it, we had cuddles and playtime on the swing, he fell asleep, so I put him in his basinette and within 10 minutes he was screaming blue murder. I think he might be having some of his constipation troubles again :(

Day 37

Monday 22nd September

Today was Rob's first day back at work! I know he was definitely NOT keen to go, lol. Hunter and I are now flying solo Monday mornings and Tuesday/Wednesday and Thursday nights! Interesting times ahead!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 36

Sunday 21st September

Hunter is 5 weeks old today! The time is going so fast! It doesn't feel like 5 weeks since he was born. He has started smiling now, just little half smiles, but they are interactive ones, in response to something you are saying to him. He was doing it a lot today, it was so cute.

Chillin' in his swing

Staring at the shadows... lol it doesn't take much to amuse him!

Bug eyes!

Little feet :)

I know, I know, enough with the shower pics already...but he looks so cute and almost a bit cheeky in this one!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Day 35

Saturday 20th September

This time it was my turn to have a shower with Hunter! And for the viewers, don't worry... I'm wearing a swimsuit, haha! It was lots of fun although it wasn't a very long shower as we ran out of hot water! Next time will be better. He loves his showers, they mellow him out so much. I would write more... but he's screaming, lol.

Day 34

Friday 19th September

Another not-very-nice day so we were stuck inside! :( Getting so sick of it! We had a house inspection today, so the morning was spent tidying up and fixing up a few things that needed to be done. That was all over in 15 minutes and then I wanted to go grocery shopping but we couldn't because the doofus was coming to mow the lawns and he's terrified of the dogs and requires them to be locked up before he even enters the property! And they didn't turn up until nearly 4 so by then it was way too late! Today's pics are Hunter struggling to wake up for his last feed... it took him well over an hour!! Chelle and I had a lot of fun watching him though, as he stretched and struggled and groaned and sighed. He made the cutest faces!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 33

Thursday 18th September

Today we had our 2nd Mothers Group meeting. It was a nice enough day - overcast and coolish but no rain and more importantly, no wind! So I decided to walk down to the meeting as the exercise and fresh air would be good for us both. I rugged Hunter up again in his little jacket and beanie and Rob took some pics before we left. Mothers Group meeting was good, we watched 2 rather informative but lame videos with some craptastic acting about sleeping and settling - recognising that baby is tired, etc. They make it look sooo easy in the vid. See baby is tired, pick up baby, wrap baby, put baby in cot, baby sleeps. Yeah... right! The second video was on SIDS and was basically stuff that we know already - sleep on back not on tummy, don't cover the baby's face, etc. Still there was some good discussion. We lost 3 people today and only had 10 of us there, so I'm guessing a few will drop off. It finished up about 3 and I walked home again, there was like 2 spits of rain on my way home but that was it. Hopefully tomorrow is nice too. I'd like to make walks in the pram a regular thing!